Today I’ll be talking about **chickpea flour**. Whether you didn’t know chickpea flour existed or you have it at home but don’t know what to do with it, this is the post for you. The truth is that alternatives to wheat flour are popping up everywhere these days. Moreover, they are now easily found in any supermarket. Even though it’s relatively easy to find in stores, I’ll show you **how to make your own flour at home and also how to prepare different and delicious recipes with it.**

You’ll be surprised by **how versatile this flour is**. When you add water, it becomes a very creamy dough and results in **textures that are quite interesting and similar to those of eggs.** Additionally, when cooked, it has **a fairly high binding power**.

If this is your first time using it, you might think it will have a very strong taste or that the texture will be very different. It’s clear that it’s not 100% the same as wheat flour, but I assure you that the differences are minimal. Additionally, **if you are gluten intolerant or allergic and are looking for “gluten-free” options or even a way to substitute eggs, this is a very good alternative that you’ll likely become addicted to.**

 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED: In a previous post, I showed you how to make chickpea hummus and other delicious variations of the recipe with more ingredients. Don’t miss it!

Chickpea Flour: Properties and How to Make It

Chickpea Flour Properties

Properties of Chickpea Flour

Chickpea flour is an excellent option if you need to remove gluten from your diet, as it perfectly replaces wheat flour. But what benefits does consuming this flour regularly have for your body? Well, chickpea flour is **very rich in B vitamins, A, E, C, and also rich in omega 6, iron, and fiber.** In summary, chickpea flour is good for anyone who consumes it. As I mentioned before, if you are **gluten intolerant** you will become fond of this flour. It is also a very good option for **vegans or those looking to replace eggs due to intolerance, allergy, or any other reason**. Additionally, you might want to incorporate this flour into your diet if you have high cholesterol, as it also **helps reduce high blood fat levels.**

How Can I Make My Own Chickpea Flour?

Chickpea Flour: Properties and How to Make It As I mentioned earlier, it’s becoming easier to find chickpea flour in supermarkets. However, I’ll show you **how to prepare it quickly and easily at home**. After all, homemade always tastes better and is also more economical. You’ll see that making this flour is much simpler than it might seem. All you need to make chickpea flour is **dried chickpeas (raw), a good food processor, and a strainer.** If you plan to use the flour a lot, I recommend making a large batch (1 kg) and storing it in an airtight container to keep it fresh and use it when needed. To prepare it, first place the chickpeas in the processor. Do it **gradually** to avoid overloading the processor. Since chickpeas are hard, **it will take about 3 to 5 minutes to turn them into flour** (depending on the power of the machine). Once done, remove the flour and, **using the strainer, make sure it’s very fine** and ready to use. Et voilà, as I said, **making chickpea flour at home is more than easy**.  

Recipe Ideas with Chickpea Flour

Vegan Tortilla (Egg-Free)

Vegan Tortilla Whether it's with potatoes or vegetables, thanks to chickpea flour, **you can make a tortilla without using a single** **egg**. As I explained earlier, when you mix chickpea flour with liquids, it creates a texture similar to eggs. This allows you to prepare a version of potato tortilla **that’s almost identical to the original.** To make a vegan potato tortilla, the steps are **almost identical** to making a tortilla with eggs. However, the amount of chickpea flour mixture with water is very personal. After making a few, you can adjust the mixture almost by eye. Nevertheless, I’ll provide the recipe to get you started, and you can **adjust it to your taste.** First, **fry the potatoes in a pan** as you normally would. To prepare a tortilla for 2 people, use 4 medium potatoes. You can optionally add chopped onion. While the potatoes are frying, prepare the mixture to replace the eggs. Take a bowl and **mix about 220 g of chickpea flour with almost the same amount of water**. If you need more because the potatoes are large, add proportionally. The key is to add water **until the mixture has a texture and consistency similar to beaten eggs**. The ideal amount will be enough to cover the cooked potatoes. You can whisk the mixture by hand, but I always prefer to use **a mixer to ensure everything is well integrated.** Once you have the mixture with the ideal texture, set the batter aside until the potatoes and onions are done. I add **onion and garlic powder** to the mixture along with a pinch of **salt**. You can also add a bit of nutritional yeast (if you have it) or even **turmeric for a color more similar to eggs.** Once done, mix the cooked potatoes with the batter, **let it rest and integrate well, and then pour it into the pan to prepare the tortilla as you normally would.**

Chocolate Brownie

Chickpea Flour Brownie Yes, you can also make sweet recipes with chickpea flour, and I warn you in advance that **you won’t be able to stop making** this one. Making a brownie is **very easy, moist, and without any wheat flour is more than possible.** Note down the ingredients: **160 g of butter, 120 g of dark chocolate, 3 eggs, 180 g of sugar (variable), 180 g of chickpea flour, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder.** First, combine the chocolate and butter and melt them in the microwave (slowly) or using a double boiler. Once melted, mix it well and set aside until it cools. In another bowl, mix the eggs with the sugar until well combined. Once done, add the chocolate and butter mixture and mix. Then, add the chickpea flour along with the cocoa powder, a pinch of salt, and the vanilla extract. Once all the ingredients are well mixed with a spatula, **pour the batter into a greased pan**. Before putting the pan into the oven, **make sure it is preheated to 350ºF (180ºC).** If it is, put your brownie in and let it bake for about **30 minutes.** Once it’s done, let it cool before removing it from the pan and serving. I assure you that **this brownie with chickpea flour will not leave you indifferent.** Here's the continuation of the translation: ---

Falafel or Breaded Snacks

Falafel with Chickpea Flour Typically, falafel is made with cooked chickpeas, but with chickpea flour, you can prepare falafel much faster, more easily, and just as delicious. To make **quick falafel**, you’ll need: **240 g of chickpea flour, fresh parsley, 1 teaspoon of salt, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, lemon juice, and 80 ml of warm water.** Preparing it is as simple as **mixing all the ingredients** mentioned above in a bowl. First, mix the dry ingredients and then add the liquids. Gradually add the water **until you get a mixture that you can handle and form into “balls”.** I recommend letting the dough **rest for a few minutes (5-10).** Once done, heat about 3 tablespoons of oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add the falafel balls. Cook the balls for about **5 minutes** and then place them on a plate lined with paper towels to **absorb excess oil.** Is there anything simpler than this recipe? I don’t think so.

Bread or Cakes

Bread or Cake with Chickpea Flour **Bread, cakes, tarts, pancakes, muffins...** can also be made with chickpea flour. In most cases, you just need to substitute regular flour with chickpea flour. I’ll explain how you can prepare a simple gluten-free chickpea flour bread. For this quick recipe, you’ll need: **475 ml of water, 700 g of chickpea flour, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, and oat flakes.** Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. You can mix by hand or use a mixer. If you use a mixer, **in about 5-10 minutes on high speed**, the mixture will be almost liquid and homogeneous, resulting in a **very soft bread.** **You can make this bread on the stovetop** without needing an oven. Heat a little olive oil in a pan, pour in the batter, and **do not stir or touch it from then on.** Add the oat flakes on top of the batter to create a layer. The oats not only provide an aesthetic touch and flavor but also **help retain heat on the top side** without needing a lid. Additionally, they **absorb excess moisture**. Cook the bread on very low heat for about **30 minutes.** To check if it’s done, ensure the top is firm to the touch. When the bread is ready, let it cool and place it (with the oat side up) on a cooling rack to allow excess moisture to evaporate. I recommend letting it cool and dry on the rack **overnight**. The result the next day will be **a juicy bread perfect for toasting or eating as is.**

I hope you enjoyed these ideas; if so, share them!

Chickpea Flour: How to Make It and Easy Recipe Ideas
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
How to prepare recipes with chickpea flour. Vegan potato tortilla.
Recipe type: Vegan
  • 600 g of potatoes
  • 85 g of chickpea flour
  • 15 ml of apple cider vinegar
  • 50 ml of plant-based milk
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch (cornflour)
  • 250 ml of water
  • ½ teaspoon of salt and sunflower or olive oil for frying.
  1. Peel the potatoes, wash them, and cut them into thin slices. Heat plenty of oil in a pan and fry the potatoes over medium heat, stirring and turning them occasionally. Once tender, drain them on a colander to remove excess oil.
  2. To make the “egg” mixture, place the chickpea flour, vinegar, plant-based milk, cornstarch, water, and salt in a bowl or blender and blend for 2 minutes or until smooth and homogeneous.
  3. Mix the potatoes with the liquid. Heat a little olive oil in a medium-sized frying pan and pour in the mixture. Spread it evenly in the pan, cover, and cook over medium-low heat for 7-9 minutes (check occasionally).
  4. Once the bottom is browned, flip it with another pan or a large spatula (or a plate) and cook the other side for 5-6 minutes, also covered.
  5. When the other side is also browned, turn off the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.